Beauty clinic

Coffee, tea, red wine, soft drinks or smoking are well known for their ability to discolour teeth but this also occurs during everyday normal activity. We recommend two methods to our patients to  recover their white teeth.

Teeth Whitening

In-office whitening
In case someone doesn’t want to whiten themselves at home for days and wants immediate visible result, we recommend the in-chair whitening. Previously we remove all tartar, then comes a 3-times 15 minute session with the ZOOM lamp.
The treatment takes about an hour and is absolutely painless. In the end the colour of the teeth can improve 8-10 shades immediately and continue to improve for the next few days to a sum of 10-14 shades lighter than originally.

The Beyond whitening system operates with a special LED that is called ZOOM and a whitening solution that is activated by it. It’s immediately visible and much more effective than the home bleaching systems.

At-home whitening
This type of bleaching is often chosen because of the lower price. First an impression is taken and the technician fabricates a splint that fits the patients denture exactly, this will hold the bleaching agent.

The patient will place the splint at home for one hour and repeat this for 10-14 times until the desired shade. While performing bleaching we advise to avoid discolouring foods and  beverages.

After 14 times of application the change in colour can be up to 4-6 shades.

In both methods the whitening agent is hydrogen peroxide that penetrates into the tooth creating a clean white glance. It is important that the substance can cause irritation for a few days!

Contact us

Feel free to contact our reception with any general or medical questions.

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 7.00 - 20:00
(appointment required)
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Dental Jewellery


It is a common misbelief that previous to the placement of a dental jewel the enamel of the tooth is drilled and the sound tooth surface is being disrupted. The placement of the jewel is of course not managed that way. These little decorations are glued to the tooth surface not causing any harm to it.

The bonding is similar to the placement of fixed orthodontic appliances.

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